

Universal Kaufman Language in Florida HOAs and Condos?

Universal Kaufman Language in Florida HOAs and Condos?

The Florida legislature is considering a new law that would apply universal Kaufman language to all Florida condos and HOAs. Some boards and association practitioners have said this is great news to provide clarity on an otherwise confusing topic. Others say it would lead to disastrous consequences and impairment of contract issues.

For Sale By Owner: Key Tips for Contract Negotiation and Closing

Selling your home For Sale By Owner (FSBO) can be a rewarding experience for those “Do It Yourselfers” out there, and of course can help the sellers save thousands or even tens of thousands in real estate commissions. But navigating contract negotiations and the...

Key FAQs About Florida’s “As Is” Real Estate Contract

The Florida Realtors As Is Contract is the most widely used contract for residential real estate transactions in Florida. Approved by the Florida Bar, this form outlines the terms of a property sale while ensuring a fair balance between buyers and sellers. However,...

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